Gun Scrapping Service
If you have a family heirloom that you wish to keep on the wall or just don't want to scrap the gun and want to keep it then I can deactivate it for so you can legally possess the firearm and hold it without a certificate and not have to have it kept in a security cabinet.
After deactivating the gun in my workshop I must send it to one of the two British Proof Houses for inspection. (twice)
It will be then issued a European certificate of deactivation.
Prices are dependant on the type of firearm so this service is POA.
Beware when purchasing deactivated firearms from an antique or any other shop. As of 12 December 2019 it must come with the new style European certificate otherwise the seller is breaking the law. You must also notify Home Office Serious Violence Unit of the transfer either before the transfer takes place or, as soon as reasonably practicable after the transfer.
Deactivation Service
If you have a section 1 or section 2 firearm that is either no longer wanted and valueless, uneconomical to repair, or in dangerous condition and want it lawfully and legally disposed of then you can bring it to me for destruction.
I take the gun, book it into my register and will give you a receipt so you can then notify your firearms department that you have disposed of the firearm to me. That's all there is to it.
I then cut the firearm into various pieces according to the firearms act and then notify my firearms enquiry officer of the destruction after taking pictures of the main parts showing the serial number. This takes time so I do charge for this service.
The cost to scrap a firearm is £60.00 for the first one then £30.00 for each subsequent gun thereafter.